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Mission Coordinator for Education & Interpretation




Mission Today 2019              District: ____________________________________ 

Church or Unit Name: ________________________City_____________________ 

Number of Members:             Name of Person Reporting: _____________________ Phone:_________________ EMAIL:_____________________________

Let us know how you are doing Mission Today! Use this form to report what sorts of Mission related activities are part of your UMW experience. If you have a membership of 15 or less, completion of at least 4 actions, 2 of which are marked with an asterisk *, your unit will be recognized as a Mission Today Unit. Units with 16 or more members will be recognized when they report completion of at least 8 actions, 4 of which are marked with an asterisk*. All of you are doing Mission so we want to hear from everyone! Return completed reports to your District E&I coordinator by December 15th.

Write “YES!” beside each Mission Action that UMW is sharing in your congregation, community, country or world.

  1. * Use the Prayer Calendar regularly at Circle, Unit, Executive, or Church Council meetings to learn about and pray for persons in mission and their ministries.
  2. *Incorporate at least 2 programs from the Program Book into Circle, Unit, or Congregational meetings or programs during the year.
  3. *Incorporate at least one of the Mission Studies from Mission U into programs for your Circle, Unit, or Congregation during the year.
  4. *Make a Pledge to Mission and reach that goal for Mission Giving.
  5. * Have at least 2 Members who subscribe to Response Magazine.
  6. *Add at least 2 new members to UMW.
  7. *Implement the Charter for Racial Justice through at least 1 of the actions described below:

           ___Sponsor or participate in event that welcomes groups from 2 or more ethnic or cultural backgrounds

           ___Recruit women of diversity to be Members and Officers

           ___Read books that provide insight into a variety of cultural, racial, and socio-economic experiences. Create an event or                               opportunity to share new understandings or ideas, etc.

           ___Write to elected officials in support of issues such as immigration/civil rights, solutions to poverty, healthcare, education,                      etc.

           ___Have at least 1 Member (not a District or Conference Officer) participate in the UMW Online Community for the Charter                         on Racial Justice Policies.

  1. *At least 1 Member (not a District or Conference Officer) attends a Mission U event.
  2. *At least one Woman from your Congregation participates in the United Methodist Women Action Network
  3. *Write to five or more persons in Mission listed in the Prayer Calendar at least once in the year.                      
  1. At least 1 woman from your Congregation serves as a District, Conference or National Officer.
  2. Bring your Pastor to a Mission U event.
  3. At least 2 Members (not District or Conference Officers) attend/participate in one or more of the following events:

                 Minnesota Conference Annual Meeting

                 District Annual Meeting

                 District Intro to Mission U Studies

                 A Conference Mission U event

  1. Plan and Offer a Children’s’ Sabbath at your Church or in a Community Setting. Use materials from the Children’s Defense Fund.
  2. Celebrate UMW Sunday using materials provided by the MNO Team and distributed on the Conference UMW Website.
  3. Contacted the District Officer serving as Liaison for your unit.
  4. At least 1 Member completes one of the Reading Program plans and reports on at least one of the books read.
  5. Have a Book Review Event or Book Club that shares 2 or more books from the Reading Program in the year.
  6. Contribute to ALL 5 channels of Mission Giving to become a 5-STAR UNIT.
  7. A District or Conference Officer (not a Member of your Congregation) attends at least one meeting or presents a program at your Church.
  8. Share information from Response Magazine at each meeting.
  9. Learn about National Mission Institutions (like Emma Norton Services) and involve your Congregation in providing support through material donations.
  10. Reviewed a book from the Reading Program for your Congregation’s Newsletter and posted it on Facebook.
  11. Shared photos from a District or Conference Event on Facebook.
  12. Plan an UBUNTU Mission Opportunity for Members of your Congregation to learn about a need for Ministry and provide service at a soup kitchen, food shelf, children’s program. Create/Implement a new Ministry in cooperation WITH your neighbors in need.
  13. Publish the website information for UMW Online ( AND the MN Conference UMW website ( regularly in your Church Newsletter or Bulletin.
  14. 1 or more Women from your Congregation participates in an online community at the UMW Website.
  15. Exceed your UMW Pledge for Mission Giving

Use this form to plan your unit’s Program for 2019.  Keep track of what you are doing and report it to your District Mission Executive Team at the end of 2019. (send to President if no E&I)